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California has an estimated population of 37,691,912 and according to the DMV about 23,799,513 of those people are licensed drivers. On top of a poor public transportation system around Southern California, this leads to jam-packed highways and massive amounts of gasoline being consumed daily.

How then, did the state of California manage to add 99,466 drivers in 2011 yet decrease gasoline consumption from the year before?  It is partially because there have been an increasing number of hybrids and electric vehicles on the road. Some say that this may simply be a reaction to rising gas prices causing people to reduce driving.

If this is the case, will other states begin to follow California’s lead? No matter what the answer may be, we do know that Californian drivers are saving money on gas by shifting to high mileage cars and electric vehicles.

Read the entire article at: LA Times 

Earthgarage – Greener Car. Fatter Wallet