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The Green Divas Radio Show offers fun, practical and low-stress ideas for living a deeper shade of green. We’re thrilled to share some non-automotive information with our friends at the EarthGarage!

Listen, laugh & learn with the Green Divas (and Green Dude Scott) anytime – Podcast here!

The Sleeping Naked is Green segment, Make Your Own Cosmetics & Skincare Products, sparked a frightening discussion on the HUGE topic of toxins in our cosmetic and beauty products. Here are just a FEW good reasons to make your own beauty products or be VERY careful when buying them!

  1. Average woman uses 12 personal care products daily (Average man uses 6 personal care products daily)
  3. The Average woman exposes herself to over 167 chemicals on her body and face during her daily beauty regimine!
  4. Over 80,000 chemicals used in personal care products in the US ONLY 200 OF THEM ARE TESTED FOR SAFETY!

Hear more scary stuff AND a couple of ideas and solutions too – by clicking here to hear this 5-minute segment.

OR go to our post for this show and get a couple of DIY, natural recipes for lotion and lip balm.

Green Diva Lisa’s Take Two segment offered a lot more great ideas for holiday gift giving and how to keep it green, thoughtful and charitable.

Our feature interview guest was Jessica Arinella, producer of What You Can Do TV & Web series. They are now being aired on a few of our larger NY/Tri-State PBS stations – yea! Please visit their amazing website to learn what you can do to help create a better world in just 60 seconds.

We also announced the winner of last week’s Eco Friendly Printer KNOW YOUR GREEN Quiz – Daniela Graca, who won a $100 gift certificate to the Eco Friendly Printer! Please go to our facebook page and see this week’s quiz to win a FREE membership to Zipcar for a YEAR!

As always, please visit our website for LOTS of relevant links & resources from the show – Green Divas website.

Listen to the show here!